Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crab Feed Preparation

Crab Feed is only a day away. Gabe and I fumbled out of the house and headed to the lodge to help the Brethren prepare for the crab feed. When we got there Jerry, Carlos, Ross, and Joe were already busy prepping the veggies and other ingredients for the clam chowder. Gabe and I rolled up our sleeves to help with chopping the garlic. We were soon joined by Bernie Shepard, Sue Krutman, David Joliffe, David Goodman, and Jojo Becker. After prepping, we were treated to Joe Becker's equally famous "crab feed prep brunch", yummy! Gabe scarfed down two strips of bacon, two eggs, a biscuit, a glass of milk, a glass of orange juice, and a bunch of tater tots. Good job to all who were present to help. Thanks to Joe Becker for the wonderful brunch.

First entry

This will serve as the unofficial blog of the Burlingame Masonic Lodge No. 400, F&AM. I have noticed a lack of pictures from Lodge activities. I then thought of posting pictures that the brethren can peruse on the world wide web. I have taken the liberty to starting this blog to serve the needs of any and all persons interested in seeing the brethren of our masonic lodge in action. Also, any Brother who wishes to have pictures of any Masonic activity on the Unofficial Lodge Blog, then please forward all correspondence to